Watts Permaculture Blog & Updates Blog



2015 turned out to be a full, productive and exciting year.  The first full year of ‘Watts Permaculture’.  Here’s a short list of things we accomplished this year: Advanced Permaculture design course Design and...

24th Oct – Garage Sale Trail

We’re doing the Garage Sale Trail again this year, so come along and check out what we’ve got for sale.  They’ll be some garage sale type items, but mostly we’re putting out as much...

Grafting workshop

Aug 31st Grafting Workshop

Workshops were never going to be a big part of what we do, but sometimes the opportunity might come up to spread some knowledge and skills. Updated: The workshop on the 31st August was...

Apple Trees for sale 2015

Apples – one of the easiest fruits to grow at home, and every house should have one! We’ve been able to gain access to a variety of Victorian grown and grafted heritage apple tree varieties...

Food Forest in process

Now you’d think that having been here for several years now, we’d have a thriving mature food forest, ready to be a showcase for local permaculture! And yet, this has been one area that...

Tip: Protect your precious figs

Got a fig tree, and sick of birds devouring your figs just as they ripen?  Check out this easy solution using old strawberry containers to protect them. Works especially great on small trees, as...

Mice, and other things not so nice

I was really hoping to start blogging with some positive stories, perhaps about our home fruit bottling early in Feb: Or perhaps some of the seed-saving we’ve done, with some great harvests of lettuce,...

The journey begins

Note: The following blog entry was written in 2009 (when I was working full-time), in a blog that went no-where… but it does describe the moment I went down the rabbit hole, so to...


A huge year.  Now a full time permaculture gardener (with Asher in tow), although ask me directly, and I’m still just a ‘stay at home Dad’.   This year was also when we took...


This year was 5 years since we began.  There were a few successes, and a few failures too.  The greywater system blocked up and needed changing.  There were still things to plant and space...