Category: Permaculture Technology

Energy Post

But that’s not all – this “shortfall” will be used as an excuse to build gas import hubs; and further expand drilling, exploration and fracking – and we want nothing to do with it, given the exciting new technologies that are here now.

Rocket Grill / Oven project success

Our rocket stove / pizza oven combo has taken a while – over 3 years of just sitting there.  It’s an old washing ‘copper boiler’, the thing your great grandmother might have used, and...

Permaculture by default in Tasmania

It’s been ages since we’d been down to Tassie, and honestly, it sounded like a good idea when we booked the boat in October! Anyway, despite the stress of harvesting post xmas produce, packing,...

Food Forest in process

Now you’d think that having been here for several years now, we’d have a thriving mature food forest, ready to be a showcase for local permaculture! And yet, this has been one area that...