Watts Permaculture Blog & Updates Blog

A place for Everything

It’s been a little while since the previous post.  I think perhaps my creative energies are being ‘used up’ somewhat in being the editor of the Geelong Organic Gardener’s newsletter (which also comes out...

Rocket Grill / Oven project success

Our rocket stove / pizza oven combo has taken a while – over 3 years of just sitting there.  It’s an old washing ‘copper boiler’, the thing your great grandmother might have used, and...

It’s Garage Sale Trail time

2 Years ago, we participated in a very successful day for the national Garage Sale Trail day. We’ve decided to do it again this year, and it’s now over the whole weekend. SAT 21st...

War On Waste

Just finished watching this short series on the ABC – and it’s great that it has received a bit of attention in the media, social media and general conversation.  At first, I wasn’t so...

Permaculture by default in Tasmania

It’s been ages since we’d been down to Tassie, and honestly, it sounded like a good idea when we booked the boat in October! Anyway, despite the stress of harvesting post xmas produce, packing,...

Carrot Seed

2016 An Update in Photos

Thought I’d provide an update on some happenings in our Permaculture Garden by showing some images (All taken during the month of November). I hope your garden is flourishing, and I guess we can...

Biointensive Urban Farm – Setup

Part one – The Site For some background on the origin of the idea – please see previous post: Biointensive Urban Farming vs Edible Forest Gardens. In July 2016 it happened – I was able...

Too busy….

And almost not the kind of busy that’s good for your health, at least when what you’re meant to be doing is being the ‘stay-at-home-parent’.  The “I had too much gardening to do today”...

Biointensive Urban Farming vs Edible Forest Gardens

Of course, it’s obvious isn’t it, we need both! I’ve just returned from a 9 day Forest Garden Design Intensive with Dave Jacke… So much information to absorb, and such an eye opening and intensely...