Energy Post
But that’s not all – this “shortfall” will be used as an excuse to build gas import hubs; and further expand drilling, exploration and fracking – and we want nothing to do with it, given the exciting new technologies that are here now.
But that’s not all – this “shortfall” will be used as an excuse to build gas import hubs; and further expand drilling, exploration and fracking – and we want nothing to do with it, given the exciting new technologies that are here now.
Well it’s a bit delayed; since the bulk of the renovation was completed over 12 months ago. But here we go… check out the gallery above for some photos and a few explainers… although...
It’s time to document some of our building / renovation experience. Well the correct time has long past, but better late than never! We officially started in October 2020 (and planning etc started in June 2019!), luckily our builders were able to work through most of the covid lockdowns
I know it’s a dry topic; but this article piqued my interest today: Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Free money! It’s the idea that governments (like Australia’s) can print about as much money as they...
Come for a tour of our 9 composting systems on our single quarter acre block. Disclaimer; video is still not really our thing, and this isn’t meant to be a viral piece of entertainment.It’s...
What a week! My brother Peace getting married (congratulations!). Hanging out in the Blue Mountains while the world descends into chaos, and Minecraft releases the new Nether update on Windows 10. albeit just on...
I’m delighted to be a part of the upcoming Permaculture Design Workshop organised by Transition Streets Geelong (as part of a Pick-My-Project grant).
After the last post, and such a dry summer – the recent rains are a godsend. Well over 50mm in May already. As a result, things are greening up, and seedlings are coming up everywhere in the food forest… and I’ve got a few million more than I can cope with!
Apparently; southern Australia is in a “Neutral El Niño” faze, but we are on El Niño watch, meaning there is a 50% chance of one developing during our Autumn / Winter…. which means even...
Coming up on this weekend (Sunday 14th October) is Sustainable House Day, and we’re opening our Garden to this event for the first time since 2011. Back then, we were involved in the day...
We're often happy to barter our produce & services for some combination of the items below, by arrangement.
Excess quality produce and fruit from fruit trees (Apples, Lemons, stone fruit, grapefruit etc) are almost always welcome.
- Plastic pots & seedling trays
- Straw / Lucerne / Peastraw
- Relishes & Preserves
- Tomatoes (we never seem to grow enough!)
- Seeds, if we can use them
- Home-baked bread
- Fruits eg Passion-fruit, kiwi.
- Items for the compost: Kitchen scraps, shredded paper, sawdust, coffee grounds.
- Much more... make a suggestion
It's fairly easy to approximate value: A large bag of coffee grounds for a couple of bunches of herbs, a bag of apples for a potted plant or some seedlings, etc.
Read more about barter on our 'barter page'.