Biointensive Urban Farm – Setup
Part one – The Site
For some background on the origin of the idea – please see previous post: Biointensive Urban Farming vs Edible Forest Gardens.
In July 2016 it happened – I was able to find a suitable site very close to home, with good access, and a nice lady willing to lease the land (in return for some veg) and give me plenty of freedom in the site’s development.
I made the short video above, in order to give a rundown of the site and why it represents some great permaculture opportunities and challenges.
Don’t worry – this video won’t be the first of many, it’s just not my thing…! If you want regular inspiration from permaculture video blogs; try Justin Rhodes …he does a much better job!
The rains have put a dampener on planting the first crops (60+ mm in a week – everything is waterlogged), but I’ll definitely provide updates, especially with photos, as the site progresses, and we get some production and greenery happening.
The produce will be added to our regular veg boxes, and sold to nearby cafe’s.