Biointensive Urban Farm – Setup
Part one – The Site For some background on the origin of the idea – please see previous post: Biointensive Urban Farming vs Edible Forest Gardens. In July 2016 it happened – I was able...
Part one – The Site For some background on the origin of the idea – please see previous post: Biointensive Urban Farming vs Edible Forest Gardens. In July 2016 it happened – I was able...
We're often happy to barter our produce & services for some combination of the items below, by arrangement.
Excess quality produce and fruit from fruit trees (Apples, Lemons, stone fruit, grapefruit etc) are almost always welcome.
- Plastic pots & seedling trays
- Straw / Lucerne / Peastraw
- Relishes & Preserves
- Tomatoes (we never seem to grow enough!)
- Seeds, if we can use them
- Home-baked bread
- Fruits eg Passion-fruit, kiwi.
- Items for the compost: Kitchen scraps, shredded paper, sawdust, coffee grounds.
- Much more... make a suggestion
It's fairly easy to approximate value: A large bag of coffee grounds for a couple of bunches of herbs, a bag of apples for a potted plant or some seedlings, etc.
Read more about barter on our 'barter page'.